BOTOX® — Vero Beach, FL

Minimize Signs of Aging & Regain Your Youthful Glow

Every time you smell something you don’t like, hear someone say something you don’t agree with, or experience a moment of happiness, you likely contort your face to show how you’re feeling on the outside. With time, these moments of expression can eventually cause fine lines and wrinkles to appear, which are associated with aging. Dr. Julie Cromer offers a simple, yet effective solution to rejuvenating your appearance, and that’s BOTOX. Call Cromer & Cairns Dental today to schedule an appointment and learn more.

Why Choose Cromer & Cairns Dental for BOTOX®?

  • An Experienced & Compassionate Cosmetic Dentist
  • Can Be Utilized Alongside Dermal Fillers for Ideal Results
  • Discounts on Services Through Our In-House Membership

What is BOTOX®?

a vial of BOTOX

BOTOX is the brand name of a cosmetic injection that contains diluted botulinum toxin, which is a bacteria that’s FDA-approved to help improve the appearance of facial lines. When the muscles beneath the skin become overworked as they’re used for decades on end, it’ll cause them to bunch-up, revealing wrinkles on the skin. BOTOX can be injected into these stressed muscles to help them smooth out, minimizing the appearance of facial lines.

Depending on how many areas of the face you want to address and the depth of the wrinkles, Dr. Cromer may recommend anywhere from one to 20 injections. Regardless of how many injections you receive, we’ll be able to complete your treatment within an hour, allowing you to get back on with the rest of your day.

Who is a Good Candidate for BOTOX?

a man receiving BOTOX injections in his forehead

BOTOX isn’t typically recommended for patients who have certain allergies, are pregnant, or have a neuromuscular condition. We often recommend this aesthetic treatment for those looking to address the following cosmetic flaws:

  • Crow’s feet
  • Smoker’s lines around the mouth
  • Horizontal lines on the forehead
  • Vertical lines between the eyebrows
  • Lines at the corners of the mouth

The Benefits of BOTOX

a businessman with glasses smiling

BOTOX offers a variety of benefits that you’ll be able to enjoy, such as:

  • Subtle, Enhancing Effects: Many people looking into getting BOTOX for the first time often worry that after treatment, it’ll look like they’ve had “work done.” However, when injections are delivered by a trained and experienced professional like Dr. Cromer, they’ll offer subtle results that enhance your natural features.
  • Non-Invasive Cosmetic Treatment: BOTOX requires virtually no recovery time and takes less than an hour to complete.
  • Lasting Results: Results from BOTOX injections can last between three and six months.
  • Cost-Effective: BOTOX is a cost-effective treatment that offers similar results as those with high price tags, like facelifts.

Before and After Examples

Before and After Dermal Fillers Before and After Dermal Fillers Before and After Dermal Fillers