The Scoop on Ice Cream and Your Teeth

July 4, 2024

Filed under: Uncategorized — cromercarins @ 9:54 pm
Four ice cream cones set on a display stand

Nothing beats a cold cone of ice cream on a hot summer day. But like many sweet treats, the very thing that helps make this delicacy such a delight also makes it not so good for your teeth. However, that doesn’t mean you have to give it up entirely! Keep reading to get the scoop so you can enjoy your favorite flavor in peace.

Sugar’s Not-So-Sweet Dental Effects

What all is in ice cream? It has calcium, which is actually good for your teeth. It’s also nice and cool, which is arguably a health benefit on particularly hot days. But, unfortunately, everything else about it is coated in sugar. Even cones and extra toppings!

The reason dentists warn you about sugar content is that it fuels bacteria growth. Bacteria is the source of many oral health problems, such as cavities and gum disease. Too much buildup will directly lead to these jeopardizing conditions. If caught too late or left untreated, the ultimate result is tooth loss.

How to Enjoy Ice Cream Safely

Fortunately, there are ways to mitigate ice cream’s more negative effects, so you don’t have to cut it out of your life completely! Low- or sugar-free options are one simple alternative. Another is to help your mouth help itself. A warm water rinse can loosen and wash out some sugar, and sweetened deposits stick to gum just as easily as most things. In other words, a sugar-free stick of gum can actually help lift it off your pearly whites.

Preventing Sugar-Induced Issues

Sugar might be a tough customer, but it’s no match for good oral hygiene! A thorough cleaning consists of brushing with a soft-bristled toothbrush twice per day and flossing with classic thread or a water flosser at least once per day. On top of that, you should also visit your dentist biannually for a more effective, professional touch. They can remove plaque and tartar that are just as dangerous as bacteria in terms of your oral health.

These preventative measures will go a long way towards preserving your dental line up, but if you indulge in ice cream and other sugary confections on the regular, there’s only so much you can do. Limiting your sugar intake, even slightly, can help reduce bacteria build up significantly.

Overall, no, ice cream isn’t always the right choice for your teeth. Just like any other sugary treat, you should be mindful of how it affects harmful bacteria. However, as long as you indulge in moderation and take good care of your pearly whites, you can still enjoy this summertime sweet!

About the Practice

Our team at Cromer & Cairns Dental provides patients with friendly, convenient, and compassionate care. If ice cream is your favorite dessert or you have a bit of a sweet tooth, we won’t judge! We focus on addressing your oral health concerns and helping you maintain beautiful teeth. You can take it easy knowing that we’ll do our best to ensure our treatments are comfortable and effective. To contact our office, call 772-562-5051 or visit our website to schedule an appointment.

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