Mirror, Mirror on the Wall, Can Dental Implants Make Me Look Younger?

June 13, 2024

Filed under: Uncategorized — cromercarins @ 9:22 pm
Lady smiles

While dentures and dental bridges can be excellent ways to restore a smile after tooth loss, they do not address many of the underlying issues that come with missing teeth. Even after receiving one of these appliances, the jawbones will still atrophy due to the loss of the exercise that was provided by the missing teeth. These tooth-loss solutions must also be replaced periodically, and the cost of new appliances can add up over time.

Dental implants, on the other hand, restore the stimulation the jawbones need to stay healthy and strong and can last for thirty-five years or possibly a lifetime with excellent care. Here’s how dental implants can help you maintain a youthful and vigorous appearance.
